Danke, finde ich auf jeden Fall gut, dass das Addon generisch gestaltet ist und sich nicht nur auf den Clonk konzentriert. Und ich hab ein bissl was über die Animationen bei verschiedenen Objekten gelernt…
Ja, finde ich auch. Das gibt einfach viel mehr Möglichkeiten :)
I just published an Update for the addon that improves the ActMap export function among some other things. A full change list can be seen in the release notes on GitHub:
I made a new release of the addon containing cropping functionality for animations.
This can be used to render doors of buildings for example like here on a remake I made for the Hut2.
ActMaps can be imported now as well. A full list of changes is listed in the release notes on GitHub:
I changed the versioning and removed a digit. I don’t plan to have so many different releases.
I’m planning to write a tutorial next, since all the core features are implemented. If there are any questions you can ask here or look at the example files (I just added the hut). I guess many things should already be self-explanatory and if you hover over fields inside the addons panel a tooltip will appear:
Speaking of tutorial, I updated the readme inside the repository that contains already information about installation and how your Clonk content folders should be structured, so you can import clonks correctly.
Wollte danke sagen, weil das awesome ist :)
Gerne :)
I just added the Clonk content files to the repository, which contain clonk meshes and animations, that can be imported by the addon.
Here you can find a link to other files that were available on Renderclonks .de. This is the same link that is referenced here in the forum.
I just wrote a manual that contains a quick start guide for the addon as well as more detailed information about all the features: RenderClonkAddon_Manual.pdf (1,4 MB)
There is a new release that contains a new option inside the action settings to override the main camera. This can be useful if you want a title image to use a different camera that uses perspective mode. It also changes some settings to default lightings and the overlay material so renders of clonks should look more like the original.
In case someone had problems installing the addon: I made a mistake setting up the latest zip archive. I updated it by now, but the problem was due to all files lying directly inside that zip. All files need to be inside another folder, so Blender installs them correctly.
If you’ve already installed the plugin and didn’t get the addon to work, look inside your Addons directory, usually contained in „AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.x\scripts\addons“. In case there are individual files of the addon lying around, try to move them to a separate folder and restart Blender.
Sorry for any frustration this might have caused.
Da frag ich mich, warum Blender so doof ist, und das Addon dann auch noch importiert. Ist ja nicht so, dass man die File manuell in AppData zieht.
Ich weiß es leider auch nicht. Es kopiert einfach alle Dateien aus dem Zip in AppData, mehr nicht.
New update 2.4:
This update improves the workflow with sprite animations that have different sizes. The addon will adjust the camera zoom so all animations have the same size in the game. It will also calculate the facet offset automatically and writes it inside the ActMap. There is a field to override the facet offset manually.
Furthermore, the action preview got two new shorts cuts. The override resolution can be changed via the arrow keys and the camera shift via Shift+Arrow Key. As shown in this gif:
This can be handy if an animation is bigger than usual but it must be placed „economically“ inside a frame.
And another quick update:
Pre-made images can now be used for title images. They’re going to be scaled accordingly and placed on the sprite sheet. This can be useful if you want to use original title images from Clonk. Or if you have a complex title image that you don’t want to re-render every time. (If the image fields are left blank, Blender will render the image from the scene)
Lots of updates this week. :) I made another release that adds some convenient features/additional features and changed the sprite sheet rendering panel to make it cleaner:
Some of the changes were needed to make it possible to render the knights with a shield.
The full changelist and add-on can be found here:
New release! (2.6)
This update is mainly for efficiency and convenience. It adds two new buttons to reuse already rendered sprites from disc. You can also re-render only one animation if it changed and it will repack the sprite sheet much quicker.
Full change list, as always inside the GitHub release page:
New release! (2.7)
This update contains a few fixes and features. Sprites can be packed vertically now and a compression setting was introduced.
Full change list here:
I’ve updated the manual as well, so it covers the features that were introduced since the last manual version. It can be found in my first post.
Fantastic to see that someone is making the effort to build a sequel to Renderclonks . This is so smooth and easy it’s like plug and play. I wrote a Unity plugin ( Unity Clonk Importer ) that allows to import spritesheets created with your Blender plugin into Unity including ActMap.txt information. Being able to render Spritesheets like this can certainly be useful outside of the Clonk universe.
Glad you like it!
Wow, that’s cool to see! Once I had the same idea to make this add-on more general to be used with Unity or other engines, but there was another add-on that already does that. Although I haven’t tried it.
Being able to render Spritesheets like this can certainly be useful outside of the Clonk universe
Definitely :) I used it once in a GameJam and it worked really well. You can find it here, if you’re curious https://zwietabak.itch.io/crunch-time
New version released! https://github.com/RoboClonk/RenderClonkAddon/releases/tag/v2.8
This release brings the export functionality back. Actions and models can now be exported and imported in new file formats called ‚meshblend‘ and ‚animblend‘. These are Blender files, but created by the add-on to be as small as possible. Using blend files over simple text files has many advantages. Everything that Blender supports can be shared. And I don’t have to mess with version control of these files. It is all there.
And there is now a new repository that contains Clonk Assets https://github.com/RoboClonk/RenderClonkAssets with improved animations among other things.
My goal is to create a hub for basic clonk model assets so it is easier to get started and mix and match clonk graphics. I might upload it to CCAN as well, but for now, it is good to have it on version control so I can update it frequently and people may also add assets.