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Legacy Clonk on Steam Deck as a flatpak

Hi all. Long time Clonk player here. Got really excited when I saw that Legacy Clonk is still being maintained! Fabulous job everyone involved. :slight_smile:

I have created this quite hacky flatpak definition for Legacy Clonk which can be found here.

It puts all the game files under the $XDG_DATA_HOME directory before running it. That was needed because Legacy Clonk expects the directory, where the executable is, to be writable.

This is currently proof of concept, but I was able to run it on a Steam Deck!

My flatpak foo is not the best, so any suggestions welcome! Also it will be possible to clean it up considerably, if content directories are separated from the main game.

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nice thing. Does it run without lags? :slight_smile:

I am not familiar with flatpaks much, how does one go about installing this from your repo?

I am also not very familiar with the internals of Flatpaks, but I installed the Flatpak of @2m1 with the following commands in the terminal…

First of all you need to have the following packages installed

  1. git
  2. flatpak
  3. flatpak-builder

You can install those in Fedora with the following command:

sudo dnf install git flatpak flatpak-builder

If you use Debian/Ubuntu you would propably install it with this command:

sudo dnf install git flatpak flatpak-builder

This Command clones/downloads the Legacy Clonk Flatpak Github Project:

git clone https://github.com/2m/legacyclonk-flatpak.git

Now navigate into the Legacy Clonk Flatpak Github Project Directory:

cd legacyclonk-flatpak

This Command builds the Flatpak:

flatpak-builder build-dir --force-clean lt.dvim.legacy-clonk.yml

This Command installs the built Flatpak on your system:

flatpak-builder --user --install --force-clean build-dir lt.dvim.legacy-clonk.yml

This Command runs Legacy Clonk:

flatpak run lt.dvim.legacy-clonk
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