I’m just here to help you with the config of the dedicated Clonk Rage server.
If you start the engine, you will probably get the error “Update failed.: HTTP server responded 302: Found”. Reason for that is the new location of the Clonk Rage server.
Go to your Clonk Rage server directory and open your config file. Go to the section [Network] and add these lines:UseAlternateServer=1
It’s just important that you add these lines in the [Network] section, the position within is rather unimportant.
Good luck and best regards, DMan
Good information, thank you.
You could not throw off the server files?
On the official website they no longer find.
Yeah, I forgot, thanks for notify. I looked up for the link, here he is: http://www.clonkx.de/rage/cr_dedicated.zip
If this file will be deleted / removed from the server, I will upload it on my server, so please notify me then again.
Best regards, DMan