Rebel's mind:
Controlling a group of clonks and press jump. Every clonk except one jump right, the 'rebel' jumps left. I just know it from playing and it annoyed me.
Take this:
One clonk is building a building and then there comes another one who asks for a construction kit. The clonk, building the building, throws a construction kit to him and the 'catcher' dies. Happened to me several times…
What do you think about these two?
Haha, I totally love the first idea. The second one may be a challenge to get right, but I think it has potential. Thank you!
Just in Time
A Clonk wants to collects a Shell from a lake. He swims down and takes it. And when he almost reached the water surface, the top layer of the lake freezes
The topic "Just in Time" reminds me of the situation when you reach the base with a burning clonk at 1% health.
Usually you die while waiting for the door to open…
Also like the first one
And welcome to the Forums
PS: gratulations for disabling the IMG tag
> gratulations for disabling the IMG tag
Additionally, I forgot to activate attachments (or I disabled it for some reason, I don't remember) for this board. Sorry about that, I've fixed it now.
A Zap have always been a nuisance therefore he deserves a comic!
Idea: A Clonk throws a zap nest to another clonk in a hole. The clonk is stung by the zaps and run away in a lake. After a little time he feel save and go out. But then come a zap from behind stings him and the clonk die. (In the last image the zap laughs?)
How can 2 pixels laught?
Just zoom in ;)?
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