-Regarding Clonk Rage-
me and my friend are plaing the Western mission Goldrush and at the very end of it we realized that we need a horse to end the mission. However, all our horses died… As we played the mission for 4 hours now (plus had to restart in between) we don't want to do everything again just for the stupid horse.
I tried to add a horse into our game with /script CreateContents(HORS,GetCursor(0),1) but nothing happened. I can not even give my clonk a flint with this command (FLNT instead of HORS). Whenever I use a /script command nothing happens. Commands like /fast and /slow work fine. Debug-mode is on. Does anybody know why I can't use /script in the game? I tried it in multiple missions.
Any help is greatly appreciated! :happy: